
Help with coursework. The department offers help to all students enrolled in Computer Science courses through the Computer Science Assistance Center or CSAC. The CSAC offers computers available for student use, and is staffed certain hours, Monday through Friday throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, by one or more CS students who are available to provide guidance on basic computer science problems and concepts. More complete information about CSAC may be found on the CSAC page.
Help with CS computer access. The department has a full-time Systems Administrator who is responsible for maintaining CS access groups, this FAQ, CSAC, and computer hardware. You may contact the Systems Administrator through the Help Desk link in the upper-right corner of these pages. It is, however, recommended that you read the complete FAQ before you do, as it addresses the most common problems we hear about.
Help with CS hardware or software. If you notice any problems with CS computers, networks, printers, or programs, please contact the CS Help Desk. We do not always hear of problems as they occur, so if you see an issue that is not covered in the FAQ, please let us know about it. We try and keep the Important Notices page updated to reflect known problems, resolution, and recent changes.
Students enrolled in Computer Science classes have access to numerous resources, depending on the specific course requirements. All students, however, are encouraged to take advantage of the free help available through the Computer Science Assistance Center or CSAC and more detail is available on the CSAC Web Page.
Tell us what you think. The Department Hardware & Software Committee (HWSC) makes recommendations to the Chair regarding the future direction of the Department's technical infrastructure, including servers, CSAC and instructional computers, networking, and software tools. Each year an ACM student member is elected to serve as the student representative on this committee. If you have ideas, suggestion or even complaints, we would love to hear your feedback and encourage you to contact your student representative. Contact information may be found on the Contacts page. |