
The CS Department provides access to resources separate from those provided through ITS, notably off-campus ssh to servers with installed software for use in CS courses. In addition, CS access provides you access to some course materials, offers more home directory space, and allows departmental graduate students the ability to maintain a web presence on the department servers.
In general, the department primarily uses Microsoft Windows, 7 Enterprise for classrooms and PCs with Redhat Enterprise Linux for servers.
Home directories are maintained across all machines so that you have access to your files from both off-campus via ssh and in classrooms and the CSAC.
As a student enrolled in CS courses, you have a unique opportunity to join the Association for Computing Machinery or ACM at a very low annual fee. The department, in conjunction with the student chapter of the ACM, participates in the Microsoft Development Network Academic Alliance (MSDNAA) and, if you are a current member of the ACM and currently taking any Computer Science course, you can get free versions of many Microsoft products, including Windows 7 Professional, Visual Studio, and some server platforms. The ACM provides many other opportunities, including technical presentations and programming contests. You can find out more information through the ACM Website. |