This page reflects known problems, issues and important announcements regarding departmental computing. If you are experiencing problems using CS hardware or software, this would be the first place to check.
Notice of Planned Systems Downtime:
Known Problems:
Compiling and running Java programs on course servers. The Java HotSpot Server for running the JVM seems rather greedy. For both compiling and running Java programs, you should specify the memory limits on the command line. More information is available in the Issues/Troubleshooting Section.
On linux, the /net/web and /net/course directories and the ITS home directories are automounted. If the directory is not mounted, you must cd into it or ls it in order to see the contents. On GUI tools like WinSCP or CyberDuck, you may not be able to move into these automounted directories because they are not visible. The workaround is to bookmark the directory or find a menu option that will let you enter a path. On WinSCP, for example, you would use the Remote | Go To | Open Directory/Bookmark option to enter the path to an automounted directory.
A login error in CSAC or JEB 321, "there are no logon servers available to service the logon request" happens at times when the ITS AD servers are overloaded. Wait a few seconds and retry logging in.
Special characters (UTF-8) will throw a database error in the forums.
Recent/Pending Changes:
On Linux, ITS home directories are automounted under /x/, giving all students access to at least 2Gb of storage (1Gb CS, 1Gb ITS). CS homes are the default home on the Linux machines.
For Linux, the /net directories for courses, and some special directories are also automounted. This causes some GUI tools to not see them and is discussed in the Known Problems section, above.
Sophos is now the recommended and current anti-virus software and is provided free to all faculty, staff and students. It can be downloaded from support.uidaho.edu.